Investment and Development Strategy Plans: Adaptation Actions for Businesses and Industrial Workers

Kantor has after 21 months successfully completed the development of investment and development strategy plans for the Greek economy.

The aim of the project was to develop strategic investment and development strategy in 6 sectors of Greek industry in order to highlight the necessary investments and enhancing a broader set of productive activities (Pillar I of the project).

The sectors were:

1) New Age Materials

2) Food of Tomorrow

3) Logistics

4) RES & Energy Storage

5) Robotics, Cobots and Autonomous vehicles

6) Health and Pharmaceuticals

In addition, the goal was to develop two (2) adaptability plans, in the context of conducting coordinated and standard adaptive actions of Greek companies and their employees in their operating environment (Pillar ΙI of the project).

The two sectors included:

1) Sustainable growth of companies

2) Smart specialization

With the ultimate goal of reinforcing the effort to restart the productive economy through integrated investment strategy proposals and development strategies, taking into account international practices, the team analyzed in debt the above mentioned eight (8) sectors, compared them using targeted KPIs with other “best-in-class” European countries and proposed policy measures in order to boost the economy and the sectors-related companies. For each sector a cost-benefit analysis was adopted in order to calculate the economic impact of the proposed measures on the involved companies and the Greek Economy in terms of GDP and Employment.

For all sectors Kantor prepared appropriate information and communication material and presented the investment and development strategy plans to relevant stakeholders, like major companies operating in the sectors, relevant institutions and representatives of the corresponding Ministries and the Hellenic government.