The purpose of the study is to assist ACER in further developing the “Gas wholesale markets and network access” section of the MMR by providing information on the barriers faced by market participants across the EU and in specific MSs to enter, operate and exit from wholesale gas trading activities. This Contract relates to lot 2 of the Framework Contract “Provision of Legal, Economic and Technical Assistance in the field of Energy Regulation for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators” No ACERJOP/DIRIO8/2013/LOT 2/05 .
Services provided by Kantor:
- Categorization of gas wholesale trading barriers in main groups
- Preparation of a list of appropriate interviewees, and addressees of an e-survey
- Preparation of a list of interview questions/survey questionnaires
- Distribution of an e-survey
- Conduction of telephone/face-to face in-depth interviews
- Production of a report with findings