The objective of the project was to provide an analysis and synthesis of the ex-ante evaluations of 115 Rural Development Programs (RDPs) and National Rural Network Programs (NRNPs) funded under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
The synthesis worked out common trends in the RDPs but also highlighted differences between them. It also analyzed the external and internal coherence of the RDPs, the expected results of the RDPs, identified examples of good practice, and provided conclusions and recommendations. The project was structured around 4 specific Evaluation Themes (ET):
- ET1: Process of the ex-ante evaluations
- ET2: Intervention logic and internal coherence of RDPs
- ET3: External coherence and added value
- ET4: Specific clusters of actions(/measures):
- Investment
- Knowledge Transfer, advisory services and European Innovation Partnership (EIP)
- Agri-environment-climate (AEC)
- Forestry
- Young farmers, small farmers, and areas with natural constraints
- Risk management
Furthermore, the synthesis provided elements for supporting the implementation of the RDPs, as well as information on the operation of the monitoring and evaluation framework.
The project began with the development of the main tools for evaluation: a) selection of judgement criteria and design of the Analytical Girds, containing relevant evaluation questions for each Evaluation Theme, b) design of an online survey and identification of key stakeholders, c) selection criteria for the case studies and development of guidelines, evaluation questions and reports.
The analysis of the 115 RDPs and NRNPs from all EU Member States involved the coordination of a team of Geographical Experts, who were tasked with filling in Analytical Grids using information from the ex-ante evaluations and the RDPs and conducting the interviews. The core team designed an online survey that was addressed to all Managing Authorities and key stakeholders in all countries/regions. The information collected was then analyzed and synthesized by a team of Thematic Experts responsible for drafting the synthetic responses for each Evaluation Theme, identifying trends at European level as well as differences between RDPs, highlighting examples of good practice, and providing conclusions and recommendations that will be of use to agricultural policy makers.
DG Agriculture and Rural Development