European industry has underwent its worst economic crisis in decades. The crisis has affected all sectors, but not evenly. Motor vehicles, textiles, metal machinery and electrical equipment have experienced the biggest falls in output, but other sectors, such as pharmaceuticals and food, have remained relatively stable. Additionally, exports to countries outside the EU from several industrial sectors have contracted sharply. In Greece, the Industrial sector is recovering from the current economic crisis experience. Greek companies are restructuring and streamlining manufacturing operations. Digitalization and process optimization are key factors of their success. Additionally, intense competition among emerging low-cost and high-capacity countries is pushing companies to find ways of managing costs all along the value chain and to provide higher value through innovation. Kantor has an excellent track record in the following fields:
- Metal processing
- Metallurgy
- Mining/non-minerals
- Plastics
- Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & detergents
- Food & drink.
Key clients
- Alumil
- Astra Zeneca
- Bitros Holdings
- Chemical Industries Federation of Belgium (Fedichem)
- Cretafarm
- Cretan Flour Mills
- Ducroire – Delcredere
- Elais S.A.
- Enterprises Federation of Belgium (FEB)
- Euro Chlor
- European Confederation of Chemical Industry Federations (CEFIC)
- European Disposables and Nonwovens Association (EDANA)
- European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)
- Frigoglass
- General Association of Medical Industries (AGIM)
- Hellenic Aerospace Industry
- Hellenic Defense Systems (EBO-PYRKAL)
- Hellenic Fabrics
- Hellenic Petroleum & Petrola (ELPE)
- Henkel
- Heracles Cement
- Interpharmaceutical service center for Belgium (CIB)
- Ionia/Titan
- Kleeman
- Klonatex
- Lavipharm
- Metka/Mytilineos Group
- Mevgal
- Neoset
- Papastratos
- Papoutsanis
- Petzetakis
- S&B Industrial Minerals
- Sato
- Solvay
- Thrace Flour Mills
- Thrace Paper Mills
- UCB Group
- Union of Industries of the European Committee (UNICE)
- Viohalco Group