
This is the continuation of the 2014 – 2015 Pilot project during which the Assistance Mechanism was developed to provide - through a dedicated website presence and network of focal points - guidance and proactive support to public and private organisations, research institutions, universities, institutional and private investors wishing to put forward and/or develop projects to implement the Atlantic Action Plan.  The Atlantic Action Plan involves the EU MS of France, Ireland, UK, Spain and Portugal and 
During the 2016 – 2017 period the Assistance Mechanism engaged in the following activities:

  • Communication: the Assistance Mechanism will seek to communicate and raise visibility of the Atlantic Strategy and the Action Plan. It will disseminate information among Atlantic stakeholders and the general public in the EU about the possibilities offered by the Plan to cooperate in areas of common interest. The Assistance Mechanism will also publicise the effective implementation of the Plan, in particular ongoing projects or projects that have been successfully completed. This will be accomplished through web communication tools, printed material, design and implementation of publicity campaigns, and any other means. As part of this communication objective, staff of the Assistance Mechanism will also attend and participate in meetings/events/conferences, organised by others, to disseminate information on the Action Plan, on the activities of the Assistance Mechanism and on funding possibilities. 
  • Outreach: The Assistance Mechanism will organise national/regional events and roadshows to publicise the implementation of the Action Plan. It will also organise the Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, which is to be organised annually by the Assistance Mechanism. The AM will also organise roadshows in Atlantic MS to actively seek out and engage with stakeholders to promote the Action Plan and its implementation. 
  • Guidance: for public and private organisations and their members, research institutions and universities, institutional and private investors, as well as promoters and other stakeholders wishing to put forward and/or develop projects to implement the Action Plan. The Assistance Mechanism will disseminate information on the Atlantic Strategy, its research and investment priorities and possible funding tools. 
  • Pro-active project development: the Assistance Mechanism will identify fields/subjects/areas presenting a high potential for cooperation leading to the set-up of projects. It will bring project partners together and advise them on how to access funds (EU/national/regional/local/private) to implement projects relevant to the Action Plan. It will also announce and publicise relevant calls for proposals or calls for tender that could be relevant for the implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan. 
  • Monitoring: the Assistance Mechanism will monitor progress in the implementation of the Action Plan as regards the budget available from different funding sources, the projects launched and/or completed relevant to the Action Plan, and the corresponding use of funds, at project level, and at an aggregate level (per programme, per Member State]. 


Start Year
End Year