
This project is one of the biggest-sized projects implemented during this period in the energy sector in Ukraine and aims to establish a strategic energy partnership, based on close integration of energy markets, mutual energy security and environmental sustainability. The project provides assistance to the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry (MECI) of Ukraine and other relevant stakeholders in the process of implementation of international commitments in the energy sector taken by Ukraine in the framework of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (EU-UA AA) and the Energy Community Treaty (EnCT). In addition, the project supports the institutional capacity development of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine. The project is organised in four components:

  1. Assistance to the implementation of selected provisions of the EU-UA AA and commitments taken in the framework of the EnCT.
  2. Assistance and the coordination of the energy part of the EU-UA AA, the EU-Ukraine Energy Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on co-operation in the field of energy, and the EnC process with all stakeholders, including civil society.
  3. Assistance in the implementation of the energy related provisions of the EU macro-financial assistance and EU-funded Sector Policy Support Programme in the energy sector through provision of assistance in the process of fulfilment of disbursement criteria (i.e. general and specific conditions, including performance indicators), performance monitoring and reporting on the programme as well as in the process of programme re-formulation and its further implementation based on the provisions of new revised energy strategy for Ukraine;
  4. Assistance in the process of institutional capacity development in the MECI of Ukraine with the aim to strengthen the Ministry’s role as a policy making body in the energy sector.

Through these components, the project provides assistance in the following areas – for provisions related to specific Directives and/or in specified context: 

  • Electricity; oil; statistics; environment; renewable energy sources – RES; social issues and awareness raising; assistance related to energy efficiency.

Additionally, the project assists in the process of implementation of the energy relevant provisions of the EU macro-financial assistance conditionalities and the EU-funded budget support operation in the energy sector, while it also helps in the improvement of the coordination in the framework of the Association Agreement and the Energy Community process in Ukraine.



Start Year
End Year