
KANTOR successfully completed this strategic study for DG-Energy, analysing the gas markets and infrastructure in Central-Eastern Europe (CEE) countries. The scope of the project was to analyse planned gas infrastructure projects (interconnections, storage facilities and LNG regasification terminals) in the CEE region, assess the degree to which they contribute to the objectives of the “Energy Infrastructure Policy”; specify potential future priorities and specific “projects of European interest”; and identify the obstacles (including legal, regulatory and financial/tariff) to implementing these priorities and the mechanisms for overcoming them.


The key activities of the project included:

  1. Elaboration of gas demand projections up to 2030 in the region and in the downstream markets (Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey, Western Balkans), using primary data provided by the countries’ energy stakeholders;
  2. Development and application of a customized gas flow model, examining the natural gas transport flows through the existing and planned infrastructure in CEE and identifying potential bottlenecks and requirements for additional gas interconnections; 
  3. Development of multicriteria tool for prioritization of the planned infrastructure in CEE, reflecting the general criteria set by the Energy Infrastructure Package;
  4. Identification and analysis of the obstacles (including legal, regulatory and financial/tariff) in implementing gas priority projects.

The results of our study were an integral part of the Action Plan, which was prepared by the High Level Group for North-South Interconnections and described infrastructure projects of regional importance (that will be further investigated as potential EU projects of common interest) in the areas of electricity, gas and oil in Central-Eastern Europe for the period 2013 – 2020.
Throughout project implementation we presented our work at regular meetings of the Gas Working Group of CEE countries and received feedback from the countries’ delegations. 
The final report of the project has been published in the DG-Energy website:


 Booz & Company (UK) Ltd. - DG Energy

Start Year
End Year