
The overall objective of the assignment is to facilitate the transformation of electricity market in Moldova, based on principles of the Third Energy Package and ENTSO-E Network Codes, including introduction of transparent liquid and competitive day-ahead, intraday, balancing, ancillary services and forward markets and to create conditions for its future integration with EU electricity markets.

Services Provided:

1. Identification of the existing requirements and constraints that the new Wholesale Electricity Market Rules should comply with
2. Drafting of the detailed Wholesale Electricity Market Rules (WEM Rules) of the electricity market of Moldova, which sets the rules for the operation of the following markets:

  • Day-Ahead Market Rules
  • Intraday-Market Rules
  • Forward Market Rules
  • Ancillary Services Procurement
  • Balancing Market Rules
  • Balance Responsibility and Imbalance Settlement

Energy Community Secretariat

Start Year
End Year