Kantor Management Consultants is a European strategic, innovative, hands-on consultancy, committed to providing top-notch and bespoke advisory services.
Kantor addresses complex client problems in major sectors of the economy
Kantor effectively transfers global knowledge and expertise to address local needs.
Study on estimation of the cost of distribution of gas supply in Europe
Development of Hellenic Electricity Market towards the EU Target Model objectives, and the context of the Law 4425/2016
Study on the methodologies and parameters used to determine the allowed or target revenue of transmission system operators
Regulatory and Compliance Consultancy Services to be offered during Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority’s compliance assessment on Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) Operational Unbundling
Monitoring of Water Services in Greece (SRSS/C2017/027)
Evaluation of Agricultural Processing and Plastics Processing Sectors and Companies
Facility for Blue Growth in the Black Sea
Monetization Options of HRADF’s Shareholding Stakes in Athens Water Supply & Sewerage S.A. & Thessaloniki Water Supply & Sewerage S.A.
Strategic advisory services to HRADF with respect to HRADF’s participation in DEPA
Support Facility for Broadband Competence Offices (BCOs)